And then they started the interview.
Man 2: Umema Siddiqi?
Me: Yes, sir.
Man 1: *reading aloud my certifs* Ahan... Accounting, economics, business? So, you have done your A Levels?
Me: Yes, sir. *you have my A Levels certificates in your hand*
Man 2: So, what is economics?
Me: *answered them correctly*
Man 1: So, which market structure is better - monopoly or perfect competition?
Me: Sir, both have their advantages and disadvantages *told them a few advantages and disadvantages*
Man 3: So, you don't think R&D is an advantage for monopoly?
Me: *testing me?* It is! *told him the reason why*
Man1: Okay Umema, tell me if 2x(square) = 800, then what is the value of x?
Me: 20, sir. * I never knew I can calculate that fast. lol *
Man 1: So, what is the derivative of ________? *I forgot what he asked*
Me: *enough of math now* I am sorry sir, I studied math 2 years ago. *No doubt, am worst at math*
Man 1: Oh *as if saying 'no problem'*
Man 2: All right. Thankyou very much Umema.
Me: Oh. thankyou. *i have a habit of saying thankyou in reply to a thankyou.* err.
*leaves room*
So, it was fine. Not good. Not bad! Hope I get the admission. The final list would be published on 19th August. So late!
Don't stop praying. <:o)
Cheerio folks.