Layout Changed!!!!!
With your simple smile, show them how,
This world once again can respond to your glance,
And heartbeats flutter to the rhythm of your dance".
JazakAllah. VLady has changed my layout. I am so happy to have this new one. I started changing this layout on May 31st, and finished it on Jun 1st. Whoosh...Took me a whole dayyy... Gosh! *winks*

My old layout. Awww...I'll miss this colour. In this window, as you can('t) see, I have opened Real Player, and listening to "Mawlay" by Mohammad Al-Hosyan! (Yes, I have the complete version). Then, there is my Blog. Next to it is my Blogger Dashboard, then my photobucket, then Roland Garros ki site, and then Faizee (very vint...). And do not note the time, or you'll start screaming! ;~)
Arrrrrray, today Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer won their matches against David Ferrer, and Victor Hanescu. And now, they will be playing against each other in the Semi final. *screams* Who's gonna win??? Both are my favourite players. So, the match would be very interesting. But, I know one thing, Roger Federer will win. But, today, the way he played his final set against Hanescu was simply pathetic. He just needed a match point and he lost it. Hanescu broke the serve. He then won his serve. And then, finally, Federer decided to end the match by having double match point. Phew! Nadal played very well today. Some of his shots were utterly amazing!!
Watched Warid Telecom's ad. It's nice. Atleast better than Telenor's. In Telenor's ad, Humayun Saeed sits on a wet bench without any hesitation. How stupid! Haven't figured out any flaw in Warid's ad.
Tomorrow is my first class of N2 - 2nd level of French language. Me, the perfect late-lateef, got myself registered yesterday! Monsieur Anjum is going to be there in my class. He was also there yesterday. Sana has gone back to London, and will come in August. Seher will also not join, because of Sana. Don't know about Maheen. But, I guess, she will be there tomorrow. (She should be!). Maha is still having her O Levels papers, so she'd hardly make up for the new course. Lets hope for the best!
Blahhhh, I have to revise now!!!
b'bye =)