Baking Bread
So, here are the results :P
That's the braid bread.
And after baking, it looks like this :D
And these are my cutie cinnamon buns :D Haye, so yummy they are =D
Although making these breads took a lot of time and patience, but I enjoyed making them soooo much :D
And my Momma was so happy to see the results =D She was actually expecting a messy kitchen and a total disaster bread instead of braid bread :P And now, after making this bread, I've got so many new ideas =D Oh, and I so want to make donuts now =D Anybody has any good recipe?
That's all for today.
Cheerio folks =)
PS: Pray for my Mid-term exams, starting from Auggie 3rd =( I'm least prepared and so in love with baking and Table Tennis these days =(