Another Group Study Session
- we messed up the room with our books.
- turned on the AC.
- acted sane for a lil while.
- and then got back to our normal selves :P
- decided what to study.
- wasted time
- studied a lil.
- sent bro to get photocopies.
- had lunch like we've not eaten anything in years =D
- waited for chai time
- Ritz ate almost all the Rainbow Cupcakes and didn't let me eat =( :P
- Nav got pissed off that we didn't let him know we're having a GS session at my place
- and he started crying :D
- we then started talking about cakes and I showed her Lala's cake book.
- And then we saw flower arrangement books.
- and started talking about flower exhibitions.
- then I brought my Mac delight
- and we started watching songs.
- and then we took (more than 100) pictures - all silly :P
- then Abeer came and we took even more pictures =D
- then Ritz' momma came and I went to drop her at the gate.
And this is our scary side :P
Cheerio folks =)