Me: "Nnnooo...I'm still 40 kgs :)"
Momma: "Okay..." *thinks* "Look at your arms and your wrist...It's shrinking for sure"
Me: *smiles* Come to the main point, Momma :)
Momma: *says flatly* You're going to start drinking Nesvita now!"
Me: *makes a bad face* NO!
Momma: "Yes! Now go and drink a big mug of it"
I don't like drinking milk - especially 'dabbay walay'. I just don't like their taste. And as usual I didn't like the taste of Nesvita. It's like adding water to Nido :/ But since I had to drink that evil mug, Momma suggested to add some sugar and Ovaltine to it. I like unsweetened milk. Adding sugar to it makes it taste so...sweet! [Lol! Sorry, I couldn't find a better adjective :p] Anyways, I'm back to un-dabba-ed milk :D And I like it! It's so so much better than Nido/Nesvita. Oh, and that reminds me that the only tetra-packed milk I like is Olpers :D
Enough buraiyaan for today. :P
Have a blessed day.
Stay healthy. Drink Olpers :P
Cheerio folks =)