So much for so few hair
Anyways, after consulting a tragazillion people, and listening to their 'mufeed totkas', I decided to try something new. Just to mention a few, I have already tried eggs, yogurt, honey, butter, lemon, vinegar, and a million types of hair oil, including 'kalonji ka tayl', 'sarsoun', coconut oil (and no, not 'tara meera') :P So now you can imagine what a mess my hair used to look like with all those sticky, smelly stuff!
But now, I've made a different recipe for my hair. I used Olive oil, added some aloe vera in it, and a few drops of lemon, mixed it well, and applied the paste on my hair. Voila! My head had become a salad bowl! :s If I had those curly maggie-noodle-type hair, my head would have looked like the perfect salad bowl. *sigh* [Is it gross?] :P
I think my hair have become a little better. Not exactly like those shown in Dove's ad. But I believe, if I continue oiling them regularly (and minimizing the use of hair dryer) some day they will look like those in the ad, InshAllah. =)
CHeerio folks =)