Hair Loss
One might argue (the female readers especially) to use eyebrow pencils instead of whining so badly. Well, my dear readers, I think if I apply the pencil, I might end up looking like Zakoota djinn! And I certainly don't want that to happen. You see, I don't have a habit of using eyebrow pencils, so if I start using one (even slightly), my brows would look extraordinarily beautiful to others and Zakoota-type to me! Ever noticed those (pastry-looking) brides? Their brows are actually plastered with black pencils and all the people go "oooo" over their Cleopatra eyes! Eeks! For me, they look...well, beautiful, of course, but a bit too overdone. Bleeekh!
Getting back to my eyebrow loss now. =( Does anybody has any remedy for it? Puhlease do let me know before I lose them all and look like an alien =( Plus, today I weighed myself after ages. Like almost after a year, maybe. And I found out I've lost a Kg. [Pop Quiz: Guess how much do I weigh now? Hint: Weight is still in positive figures =P] Instead of being happy or sad over this lost weight, Dinky Mind is highly confused. She just can't figure out if she has lost a kg of her eyebrows or a kg of her pea-sized brain, or both! =(
Cheerio folks =(
PS: This girl's eye makeover is too too awesome-ish! =D